Financial Calculators Following are some financial calculators which allow you to enter data and immediately see the results. The calculators also provide additional information in tabs on the top right of the input form. Click on a tab to see further information and analysis of the data and results. The calculators are provided by Artog. I have checked output results against other financial software to confirm test calculations using the same data and could find no discrepancies. Whilst this does not guarantee the accuracy of the results I am confident they can be relied upon. If anyone believes a calculator has produced erroneous results then please email me with details so I can investigate. If I find any errors in the course of my regular testing of these calculators I will post details on this web page and if I believe the errors to be serious enough I will remove the calculators from this site until the errors have been rectified. This page will automatically refresh every 30 minutes in order to update rates shown in the currency table below. Of course you can manually refresh the page at any time by clicking the reload button in your browser toolbar. If you have previously visited this page you should refresh it immediately after it loads in order to ensure that your browser has not loaded a copy of the page stored in your browser cache which may be out of date. More calculators will be added shortly.
Table by BCA Services Plus
Site Design & Content Copyright © Peter J
Wills 2008-2009 All Rights Reserved
Last Updated 11 October 2008